The circular process

We strive to make our production process as circular as possible and can together with industry partners close to our factory contribute to a sustainable food system. Nutrient-rich water from local food industries can in our production process be cleaned which enables recycling of nutrients that otherwise would be mined or produced in energy intensive processes. By absorbing these waste nutrients eutrophication can also be avoided. After the nutrient-rich water has passed our facility, clean water can be transferred back to the food industry. The organic biomass that remains after the extraction of Algica is today used to produce heat back to our plant and eco-fertilizers. In the future this organic biomass could also be used for feed and food purposes.

Algica in dry form

Emission reduction

In our production process carbon dioxide, nitrogen, and phosphorus emissions can be converted into valuable products. In the production of 1 kg of Algica at least 8 kg of CO2, 1 kg of nitrogen and 0,1 kg of phosphorous can be trapped.

We work towards the Sustainable Development Goals

Only together can we make a difference.

UN global goal 6
UN global goal 7
UN global goal 12
UN global goal 13
UN global goal 14